Hello! Here's some stuff
about me!

About Dani's Parents
About Dani Hakuuchi
Name: Dani Hakuuchi
Age: 30 (as of Dawntrail)
Race: Aura - Rean (Color of the scales are white instead of the original Tan)
Favorite Color(s): Red/Brown, Black, White
Married?: Yes with Raynor Rivelazione
Main Weapons: Star of the Demon, Blade's Acumen, Blade's Resolve (Dyed Soot Black), Neo-Ishgardian Longbow (Dyed Abyssal Blue), and Augmented Cryptlurker's War Scythe (Dyed Soot Black)
Allies: Alisaie & Alphinaud Leveilleur (Best Friends since Childhood), Y'shtola, Lyse, Papalymo (Not with us), Minfilia (Not with us), Monbryda (Not with us), Urianger, G'raha, Krile, Tataru, Thancred, Estinien, Cid, Gaius, Lyna, Nidhana, Varshahn, Midsgardsormr, Hraesvelgr, Ryne, ect........
Enemies: Zenos (Him saying we are "Friends"), Ascians (All of them we met), Asahi (Good hes dead), SOME Garleans, ect.........
Likes: Crafting, Studying/Reading, Fighting, Dancing, Friends, Family
Dislikes: Eureka
Personality: She gets mad easily when someone talks rudely about her friends, A Social Butterfly with friends and family but Introvert when she’s alone, is super energetic, she loves hugs, when someone she loves is crying she's always there to hug them.
Origin: Dani was born in Sharlayan in the Dravanian Hinterlands. After the Calamity her, her parents, and others who were living there fled and is now living a happy life in Old Sharlayan with her Mother (Saran Hakuuchi) and Father (Siban Hakuuchi) both of them famous Scientists in the area, she has a White Chocobo named Naga she sometimes sneak in The Studium. She knew the Twins since they were babies and were inseparable ever since.
How she got her White Scales: During her visit to the First she defeats all the Lightwardens gaining all thier light, while doing so she was about to turn into one, which made her scales all white in the process. After a while her scales has became more frequent, growing more on her skin overtime. She sometimes puts lotion on her body to try to get her scales less painful the more it grows. But eventually it stopped growing on her skin, now becoming part of her and she's proud and more confident of her scales.

Name: Saran Hakuuchi
Age: 48
Race: Aura - Rean (white scales)
Job: Scientist, Dani's Mother
Likes: Her Family, Her Friends, Being a Scientist
Dislikes: Getting sick, losing Dani
Origin: Saran is a Aura from Kugane. She met her now Husband in Kugane when she was at the age of 16 Saran and her Parents moved to Sharlayan in the Dravanian Hinterlands (Now in ruins) and soon later married to Siban. Years later after she got married she gave birth to Dani in Dravainan Hinterlands. They lived there for a few more years until Calamity struck and they had to evacuate. They now live in Old Sharlayan. She wasn't born with white scales, a science experiment went wrong and turned her scales white.

Name: Siban Hakuuchi
Age: 52
Race: Aura - Rean
Job: Scientist, Dani's Father
Likes: Reading, His Friends, His Family, Being a Scientist and selling his inventions all over Eorzea
Dislikes: Being sick, losing Dani
Origin: Siban is a Aura from Sui-No-Sato in the Othard, he was always a smart boy at a very young age (and still is) and so he moved to Sharlayan in the Dravanian Hinterlands with his wife Saran. After the Calamity that it destroyed their home they fled and became home to the now Old Sharlayan.
Here's some artwork people has commissioned!

By: @Squaffle on twitter
So far the one above my favorite one out of the ones below

By: @byArcelllis on twitter

By: @Squaffle on twitter

By: @Wildfl0werNymph on twitter

By: @natus_vincer on twitter

Art by: @AppleTateru on twitter

Art by: @AppleTateru on twitter

By: @Squaffle on twitter

The Moogle Squad!
By: @Squaffle on twitter
Top Row Left to Right
Atticus, Jo, Yubin, Raynor, Kai
Bottom Row Left to Right
Trem, Bariah, Brit, Fang, Dani (me), Alme.